Friday, May 9, 2008

Rape A world wide Issue

Rape in our country is a serious problem and government seems as if is on the side of the criminals , because they have rights. If we can look at cases of rape, children are the victims and their relatives , fathers are the one's who are abusing them. The worse part of all they are given bail. My question on this problem is , what about the future of the victim, because most of the victims end up having the babies of the perpetrators. and what can be done to prevent our children in this cruel world where fathers tend to be animals and mothers don't say a word about the rape because they are scared of hunger because fathers are the one's who are putting the food on table. Who are going to be fathers? I think it will be better if the government can punish the victims by giving them life sentence to prevent this problem. There was a 7 year kid that was raped, beaten up by a relative and she left the victim because he thought that she was dead likely she manage to survive , now my problem is how is going to be this child. She is going to grow with that anger and the fact that she was raped will always be there. And there is also a case of Joseph Fritzl , the Austrian who admits that he has imprisoned his daughter for almost a quarter of a century and fathering seven children by her. And now he does want to go to jail for that , his lawyer said he is insane 9mentally ill and therefore he cannot be in jail and his lawyer believe that his client does not belong in prison. This is a realy sad. I need suggestion on this case.

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