Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The real child of GOD

As parents important to educate our chilren the impotortant of God being part of our life.

First of all children needs to know that God is the created the Hearvens and the Earth with just a " a Word" which is "Jesus", which means that if you believe in the above statement, no matter how tuogh the world may seem to be, just calling the "word" all will be well.

We also need to inform our choldren how a child must behave in order to stay in the Way, the bible states that "Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life", the bible also sstates that "God loves sinners as he loves the rightous" but it also states that the sinner who repents, yes you can sin, but dont live for sin, the must be an end to sinning.

The other thing we need to be aware of is that, in order for the work of God to be complete on earth, God wont come in flesh, yes God did come in flash to create the world, then he sent his only son Jesus Christ to continue with the work and Jesus had to die in order for us to be forgiven our sins, the bible says Jesus said " i'm going to the father he will send you a new councellor the spirit of truth, the holy spirit". God uses choosen man and woman of God who are on earth, but you also need to be aware, the bible states, "in the coming of age there will be people who will missuse the word of God for their financial gain " the false prophets", to be able to differenciate between a real prophet of God and a false prophe you need to be in the spirit of God, the bible states the real prophets will be followed by the miracles and wonders of God, not magics but miracles.

To be used by God, the bible states, ' you need to deny yourself and carry the cross everday, all the time", you may ask "how do i carry the cross everyday", if you remember the day our lord was crucified, he had to in dure a lot of pain, he was bitten, kicked, all bad things people wanted to do to hiom they did, but he stood for waht he believed in up until the end. As a real christian you will be tested " The baptism of fire" bad thingds may happen to you, even your loved once may turn againts you, but you need to stand for the TRUTH unti the end.

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