Friday, May 9, 2008

Kids in Fear

Fathers are animals

Oh what horrors exist behind closed doors…

A “psychologically and physically disturbed” 42-year-old Austrian woman has been rescued, after being kept in a windowless basement cell for almost 24 years.

Her father, now 73, has confessed to imprisoning his daughter in the cellar of his home and raping her repeatedly–resulting in seven children. When one of them died, Daddy Dearest incinerated the child’s body to dispose of it.

Josef Fritzl forced his daughter, Elisabeth, and three of the children he’d fathered (Kerstin, now 19; Stefan, now 18; and Felix, now 5) to live in the cellar, while the other three kids were allowed to live upstairs with Mr. F. and his wife.

The cell, built by Mr. F., is made of reinforced concrete, has a sound-proof door, and locks with an electronic entry system. Neither his daughter, nor her three imprisoned kids, ever saw the light of day the entire time they were in captivity. But, I have to admit, I’m surprised at how pretty the cell’s bathroom looks in this photo.

Elisabeth says her father began sexually abusing her when she was 11; and, in 1984, when she was 18, he drugged her, put her in handcuffs, and locked her in the basement.

Mr. F’s wife, Rosemarie, claims to have had “no idea” these atrocities were going on right under her nose. They adopted three of Elisabeth’s children, when Mr. F. told his wife his missing daughter had dropped them off at the house because she was unable to care for them.

This horrific situation came to light, when Elisabeth’s daughter, Kerstin, fell unconscious and was taken to the hospital by her grandfather/father. Police were called when an SOS note from Kerstin’s mother was found hidden on her body. The media then issued a bulletin requesting any information about the girl or her missing mother. Shortly thereafter, Mr. F. released Elisabeth and told his clueless wife that, after having vanished for 24 years, his daughter had suddenly returned home with two of her kids.

When Mr. F. brought Elisabeth to the hospital to discuss Kerstin’s condition with the doctors, authorities were notified.

[story source:;

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