Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Xenophobia a social Crime

South African should understand and accept refugees. These people has come to our country for different reason and , we are supposed to understand because we have been in a situtaion like this before. These people are here because they are running away from wars in their countries and poverty . So we have to respect that and the fact that they are working and accepting everything given to them is that they want to buy bread and eat for the day. Nobody is going to give them food. And they have families to taker care of. What is wrong with you South Africans . Why can't we feel & share the pain that these people have. Where is that thing called"Spirit of Ubuntu". What happened yesterday in Johanesburg is a big embarasment, foreigners have been beaten to death because they accept R30. per day and I am glad that the people who were involved in that chaos are going to answer for that. Who knows what is going to happen to us tommorrow , we mught be in that situtaion of poverty too. PLease good people lets accept and love each other just like the way we love our selves.

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